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Archeological Sites

A grand stepped pyramid showcasing the impressive architecture of the ancient Maya, partially framed by surrounding trees.
A grand stepped pyramid showcasing the impressive architecture of the ancient Maya, partially framed by surrounding trees.

Exploring Mexico’s Ancient Wonders: A Journey Through Archaeological Sites with Bill and Dorothy Bell

Mexico is a land steeped in rich history and cultural heritage, home to some of the most awe-inspiring archaeological sites in the world. From the towering pyramids of Teotihuacan to the mystical ruins of Palenque, each site tells a story of ancient civilizations that shaped the region. Bill and Dorothy Bell, seasoned travelers and passionate photographers, have personally visited and documented many of these incredible sites. Through their lens, they capture the essence of these ancient wonders, bringing the past to life for all who wish to explore Mexico’s historical treasures.

This listing page showcases a curated selection of archaeological sites across Mexico that the Bells have explored. Each entry is accompanied by their stunning photography and insightful commentary, offering a unique perspective on the beauty, history, and significance of these ancient landmarks. Whether you’re planning your next adventure or simply looking to immerse yourself in the history of Mexico, this guide provides a personal and vivid glimpse into the country’s most revered archaeological sites.

Atzompa, Oaxaca

Becán, Campeche

Balam Kú

Bonampak, Chiapas

Calakmul, Campeche

Cempoala Veracruz

Palace of Cortés

Cenoté Dzitnup, Yucatan

Chacchoben, Quintana Roo

Chicanná, Campeche

Chichén Itzá, Yucatan

Chichén Itzá, Yucatan

Chinkultic Chiapas

Cholula, Puebla

Cuernavaca Cathedral

Dainzú, Oaxaca

Edzna, Campeche

Ek’Balam, Yucatan

El Tajin, Veracruz

El Tigre, Campeche

Kabah, Yucatan

Kohunlich, Quintana Roo

La Venta, Tabasco

Labna, Campeche

Lambityeco, Oaxaca

Los Guachimontones, Jalisco

Mitla, Oaxaca

Monte Albán, Oaxaca

Muyil (Chunyaxche), Quintana Roo

Palenque, Chiapas

Quiahuizlan  Veracruz

Sayil, Yucatan

Teotihuacan, Mexico

Templo Mayor

Tenam Puente, Chiapas

Toniná, Chiapas

Tulum, Quintana Roo

Uxmal, Yucatan

Valley of the Throat Cutters, Nayarit

Xelha Mayan Ruins, Quintana Roo

Xpuhil, Campeche

Yaxchilán, Chiapas

Yugal, Oaxaca

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