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Chicanná, Campeche


Description: The photograph captures a large, ornate doorway designed to resemble the mouth of a creature, complete with carved teeth. This symbolic entrance likely represented a portal to the underworld or a sacred space within the structure.
Notable Features: The doorway is framed by detailed carvings that create the illusion of a gaping mouth, with teeth on the upper and lower edges, highlighting the mythological and ritual significance of the structure.

Chicanná, Campeche

Dorothy and I loved visiting these sites, including Chicanná in Campeche, for their rich history, stunning architecture, and the deep connection they offer to ancient Mayan culture. Enjoy your travels and stay safe!

History: Chicanná, meaning “House of the Serpent Mouth,” is a remarkable archaeological site erected at the base of the Yucatán Peninsula. Discovered in 1966, its occupation dates from around 300 BC to 250 AD, with later stages likely extending to around 1100 AD. Chicanná is renowned for its intricate architecture and the enormous representation of Itzamna, the principal god of the Maya pantheon, also known as the Earth Monster, on the façade of its lower construction. The site served as a center for ritual ceremonies and daily life.

Location: Chicanná is located in the state of Campeche, Mexico, within the Rio Bec region, which hosts around 45 archaeological sites.

A broader view of one of the primary structures at Chicanná, highlighting the grand scale and intricate design of the ruin. The steps and elevated platforms are prominent features.
Notable Features: The overall composition of the structure, with its multiple levels and decorative elements, provides a comprehensive look at the architectural style of the site.

How to Get There:

Safety Precautions:

Dorothy and I loved visiting these sites, including Chicanná in Campeche, for their rich history, stunning architecture, and the deep connection they offer to ancient Mayan culture. Enjoy your travels and stay safe!




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