A beautifully preserved structure at Yaxchilán, Chiapas, stands against a dramatic, cloud-streaked sky. The ancient Maya stone building, with its intricate carvings and steps leading to the entrance, showcases the architectural prowess and historical richness of this remote archaeological site. The surrounding lush greenery adds to the mystique and allure of this hidden gem, only accessible by boat.

A beautifully preserved structure at Yaxchilán, Chiapas, stands against a dramatic, cloud-streaked sky. The ancient Maya stone building, with its intricate carvings and steps leading to the entrance, showcases the architectural prowess and historical richness of this remote archaeological site. The surrounding lush greenery adds to the mystique and allure of this hidden gem, only accessible by boat.

Discovering Yaxchilán, Chiapas: A Hidden Maya Treasure

Yaxchilán is a remarkable Maya archaeological site nestled in the dense jungle basin of the Usumacinta River, which serves as the natural border between Guatemala and Mexico. Known for its stunning location and rich history, Yaxchilán offers an unparalleled glimpse into ancient Maya civilization. This site, accessible only by boat, is approximately 148 kilometers from Palenque, another renowned Maya site in Chiapas.

History and Discovery

Yaxchilán, meaning “Green Stones” in Maya, boasts a storied past. It was first mentioned by Juan Galindo, a soldier, explorer, and the son of the Governor of Costa Rica, in 1833. The site was later explored by Edwin Rockstoh in 1881, who documented many of its unique structures and inscriptions. The site’s history is deeply entwined with the powerful rulers and elaborate ceremonies that characterized the Classic Maya period.

What to Expect

Visiting Yaxchilán is a journey back in time. The site is renowned for its impressive architecture, intricate carvings, and well-preserved stelae that narrate the exploits of its ancient rulers. The main structures include the Great Plaza, the Acropolis, and the Temple of the Red Hands, each offering a unique window into the Maya’s architectural prowess and ceremonial life. The jungle setting adds an element of adventure, with the sounds of howler monkeys and exotic birds providing a natural soundtrack to your exploration.

Getting There

By Tour

A popular and convenient way to reach Yaxchilán is by taking a tour from Palenque. These tours typically include a bus ride to Bonampak and Yaxchilán, costing approximately 700 pesos round trip. This fee covers two admissions, parking, bus transport, community fees, boat transport, and food. The tours provide a hassle-free way to explore these remote sites while enjoying guided insights into their history and significance.

By Car

For those who prefer to drive, the journey to Yaxchilán offers a scenic adventure. From Palenque, take Mex Highway 199 South to the junction with Mex Highway 307. Continue on Highway 307 for 135 kilometers to the boat launch. Along the way, you’ll pass through several military checkpoints that typically allow southbound traffic to pass with minimal inspection, though checks are more thorough when returning north. If you plan to continue to Tikal in Guatemala, you’ll need to check out of Mexico at the boat launch with the necessary immigration documents (FMT, FM2, FM3, and passport).

Safety Precautions

  • Stay Hydrated: Bring plenty of water, as the jungle climate can be very hot and humid.
  • Insect Repellent: The dense jungle can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, so be sure to bring insect repellent.
  • Sun Protection: Wear sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to protect against the strong sun.
  • Comfortable Clothing: Lightweight, breathable clothing and sturdy walking shoes are recommended.
  • Travel Documents: Ensure you have all necessary travel documents if you plan to cross into Guatemala.


A trip to Yaxchilán is more than just a visit to an archaeological site; it’s an immersive experience into the heart of the ancient Maya civilization. Whether you choose to go by tour or drive yourself, the journey is well worth the effort. With its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant natural setting, Yaxchilán promises an unforgettable adventure