March 29, 2025
The Good and Bad News about Guayabitos Municipal Water Service 2024

                                                      Tara A. Spears

Breaking news! After a ten year wait, the condemned Guayabitos water well has been replaced. It took a couple of drills to locate clean water, and a couple of years to lay new pipes from the well to the community. The good news is that the municipal water company is busy installing new PVC water pipe- I am ecstatic! No more contaminated brown water, no more need to double pay because of the necessity of having pipas deliver clean water. When you see the workers with the white trucks- the water company’s new look- give them a smile and a thumbs up.

Other good news is that the management of the home use water, sewer, waste water treatment, and trash collection is redefining its objectives and developing new strategies to address the community issues. The first step towards better performance is the new administrator, Felipe Nunez Pena, lead photo. It is a challenging situation to correct someone else poor choices, but Felipe is dedicated to improving the infrastructure. Another significant plus is that there is a rebranding of the agency previously known as SIAPA is now titled Oromapas La Penita. No more red trucks as the municipal workers now drive white trucks with a blue logo. The payment office is still at the same Guayabitos location but they haven’t installed a sign with the new name yet.

What’s significant about Oromapas La Penita is that it is a subsidiary of an established, cutting edge operation (1998) as reflected in their management philosophy. “Oromapas is formed for the purpose of administering, operating, maintaining, conserving and improving the public service of drinking water and sewage and the related services to sanitation, to the population centers and urban and rural sanitation of the municipality of Jaltemba Bay, Nayarit, as well as to build, rehabilitate and expand the infrastructure required to provide the public service under its charge, in addition to related services such as wastewater treatment plants and sludge management. The Operating Agency of Bahía de Banderas will be in charge of all the objectives and powers that the Drinking Water and Sewerage Law confers on municipal operating agencies.”  It’s very good for us that the local employees can benefit by learning from the Oromapas BdB team.

One must be aware that structures in this hot, humid climate deteriorate faster than at other latitudes. That means that pipes, equipment, and even drain covers break down and need constant replacement. In 2007 the census population of La Penita was just 7,000 inhabitants; Guayabitos under 1,700; and Los Ayala less than 500.

The rapid expansion of the Jaltemba Bay population- not even factoring in the demand from the temporary visitors using the water, sewer, waste- stains the existing infrastructure. Currently, La Penita has more than 21,000; Guayabitos 3,000, and Los Ayala 500. Of course, there is overload on the system as a result of this bludgeoning usage. It’s easy to see that the operating budget needs to cover a large area, difficult climatic conditions, and increasing demand for services.

There are several factors that affect the cost of drinking water, among the main ones are: The need to treat the water to transform it into potable water, i.e., factors related to the quality of the water at the source. The need to transport the water from the source to the point of consumption and the cost of electricity to process waste water. *Remember that triple digit increase in electric rates June 2024? Even utility companies are impacted and this expense has a negative effect on operating costs. Now for the bad news.

 According to Informador.Mx News, on November 8, 2024, it was approved that Oromapas rates will increase by an average of 12.5% next year for the concept of services and general consumption, including the infrastructure of the organization such as meters, valve replacement and drainage services, etc.

“November 7, the inter-municipal body published the new rates for the different categgories. After the authorized increase, the first news is that the administration fee —also known as the base rate— rose to 85.85 pesos and will apply to all users. This increase will be reflected in the bill starting in January. And it will increase if there is excess consumption. “

Last winter many people were caught unprepared for the increase and were aggravated to have to stand in line multiple times to pay their bill.

The director told me that the precise increase amount has not been determined for JB customers as they are still working on their budget, but yes, there will be an increase January 2025.

What I recommend is to figure 20% of last year’s SIAPA bill and bring that amount PLUS the yearly amount- hopefully, the new bill will be less than that. I had to make multiple trips the last two years which is why I wanted advance information to avoid it for 2025.


To end on a positive note, Oromapas La Penita does offers a couple of ways to reduce your bill: early payment discount and INAPAM discount. I explained to the new director that last winter the foreigners were not allowed to claim the senior discount. Remember that he was not involved with SIAPA last year. Senor Nunez said it should happen for 2025- but I’m not going to plan on it. Perhaps it will be a pleasant surprise!

If you love getting a bargain, January offers several great deals. Those owning property in Nayarit are rewarded if you pay the yearly amount of municipal water -sewer fees in advance. Although you have monthly and quarterly pay options, paying the lump sum at one time saves you pesos and time. Cash only in the office I annoying but perhaps Oromapas will get online bills within the next few years. One can also pay by making a Bancomer transfer but it is necessary to first get the pertinent data from the office clerk.

Not producing and delivering an individual paper bill is a cost cutting strategy that also is environmentally friendly. Since the La Penita landfill is closed, reducing waste is a hot government topic. There is discussion to eliminate paper billing for other utilities such as the hydro/electric and telephone.


Make it easy on yourself by planning ahead for the increased cost in order to eliminate the need to make two visits. By paying your municipal water/sewer obligation in advance you earn a nice discount. Think of the savings as a reward and treat yourself to lunch at one of the area’s excellent restaurants.