Helping the Little People: Campo y Salud Gela A.C.
Tara A. Spears
I want to tell a true story about the power of love. The journey begins when a young woman loses her mother, Angela Mateo Murillo, to cancer. Throughout her life, Angela was kind to everyone. Her daughter, Xina Vanderschuur grows up learning altruism from her mom. Being aware that many people struggle economically for the basic necessities of housing, food, and medical care, especially the field workers, elderly and low-income people, Xina wanted to help those less fortunate. As she learned of someone in need, Xina personally reached out to help. Over the years, she became frustrated that the need was so great but her ability to make a difference limited. Encouraged by her husband, Terry Vanderschuur, Xina decided to take helping the little people to the next level: creating a non-profit and inviting others to help her help others. As Xina went through the legal process to obtain an operating permit for her fledgling foundation, she narrowed her objectives to focus on economically disadvantaged, elderly and people with disabilities to provide medicine and basic medical care.
Wanting to honor her mother and include her in this endeavor, Xina named the foundation after her mother’s nickname. “While searching for our name in memory of her, we began to look for words that described mom’s personality, starting with the letter G – for warrior; E- for entrepreneur because mom was a resourceful woman; and L to stand for the Spanish word for being free, because she never supported politics; and A, the letter altruism because she always believed in altruistic works. I feel my mother supports my work as she observes from heaven” shared Xina. As further tribute, Xina “we decided to add ‘field’ because our parents were field farmers who worked the earth, and ‘health’ because our focus would be to help people in the health area. Our full name as a legal entity is: Campo y Salud GELA A.C. For those familiar with the Jaltemba Bay areas, a few years ago there was another group with a similar name but different objectives. That former group has no connection to the Medicine Bank Gela, A.C.
To say that Xina is a people person is true, but she is also a rarity in today’s society in that she is a sincerely kind individual. Within moments of meeting her, her sincerity and devotion to helping others is apparent.
For Xina believes, “Whenever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.” That is the heart of the GELA A.C. But, dedication and altruism need a backup of money in order to be affective. That’s where you come in. Donating cash or buying a ticket to one of the fundraising dinners will enable this grassroots group to assist the most people. As all older adults know, prescription medicines are really expensive: for the marginal people, it comes down to buying meds or eating; paying the CFE bill or getting medicine. It’s an ugly reality for many nationals in our area.
How people can ask for assistance: go to their Facebook – campo y salud GELA, AC, or go to their website, campoysaludgelaac to message, or contact Xina directly. If you prefer to use email, contact Xina via Anyone that is interested in getting involved, you’re welcome and needed.
Besides all of the electronic options, GELA, AC is pleased to have local physician, Dra. Lydiana Flores Arroela as the community liaison. Many people are aware of Dra. Lydiana’s long term, 14 year volunteering with the Cancer de Mama and Breast Cancer mammogram programs. Talk about a kindred spirit finding another! Lydiana and Xina are united in their caring commitment to our community. Those with medical issues can visit her office between 9am -5pm, Monday through Fridays. “Dra Flores will be the main doctor in this project where health screenings will be carried out benefiting vulnerable families in the Nayarit region, emphasizing the needs of elderly people, bedridden people and disabled people.”
Thus far, GELA AC has given food bags, provided wheelchair, obtained medicine for numerous residents in need. I was particularly happy to learn that GELA, AC is planning to provide the vital diabetes and heart condition medicines.
“We recently met with representatives of the country’s largest pharmaceutical company to arrange for our non-profit to acquire medications at a discount for our very poor participants.” I was also impressed by Xina’s striving to get the maximum benefit out of every peso donated- 100% will be used for purchasing needed medical for the participants. She is very dedicated to fundraising in order to help the most individuals.
It’s not too late to support the kindness of the Medicine Bank GELA, AC. Call, text or message Xina to purchase a ticket for Monday‘s fundraising dinner in Guayabitos. There will be an additional dinner event in March, so watch social media for particulars.
Remember it’s the small acts of kindness, when multiplied by lots of people, that can make a huge difference.