Good Things Happen at Learning Room/ Sala de aprendizaje
Tara A. Spears
Any parent can tell you that all children do not learn at the same pace or in the same way. But, in small, rural schools there frequently isn’t a trained teacher to help children with learning disabilities. In the Jaltemba Bay area, maestra, Viky Robelo, addresses the need for individualized extra practice.
Not only is Sala de Aprendizaje Robelo structured to help remediate learning gaps but she provides a safe, nurturing environment that also provides opportunities for personal success through craft and art projects. Art can significantly benefit children with learning disabilities by fostering creativity, enhancing communication, improving fine motor skills, and boosting self-esteem, ultimately helping them learn and thrive. Viky is more than a tutor, she becomes a mentor and friend for each child.
Many locals know Viky from the years that she volunteered with the Amigos de Jaltemba group. This civic organization operated a public community center that provided a variety of services to children and adults under Viky’s direction. She personally worked with children on math, grammar, and whatever school subject the child needed help.
She organized the adult education classes that were very popular because the participants received vocational training certificates that was a step towards qualifying for a work license without the hassle of traveling to Tepic. Some of the classes were Professional sewing 1 & 2; Baking; Cooking; music/ instrument instruction; folkdance; several types of art production; learning to read; and hair -beauty course. She was tasked with recruiting volunteers and arranging schedules for all activities. That non-profit group dissolved, the CCC closed, and many altruistic members joined the new Rotary International.
Viky grew up in another part of the country, Zacualpan, Veracruz. She fell in love, married and moved to Chacala, Nayarit where she lived for 20 years. She was at a employment crossroads when Covid hit. “During the pandemic, I decided to start a project called second chance. I planned to support directly children with their educational tasks. I thought about giving them a tool for life, learning to reduce landfill waste- that’s how SOR (Segunda oportundad reciclado) was started. Viky’s recycling philosophy is: “When clothing gets stained, many feel that’s the end of its use; I think that it’s just the beginning of something else.”
Since this coastal area has been struggling with an overload of trash and the local landfil being closed, Viky’s SOR/ 2nd chance recyling is a very timely idea. This is where you, the reader, can show support for her small school by donating used clothing. Those that are about to head north, instead of trashing, give your used, unwanted clothes to be upcyclled into clever items! The kids make adorable bags, hats, bookbags, aprons that Viky sells at the Penita Thursday market. The students are so proud when one of their original items is sold- encouraging interest in a future business. “By getting the children in the practice of reusing items at a young age, I hope it becomes a lifelong habit.”
Art helps kids develop motor skills, vocabulary, decision-making skills, cultural awareness and creativity. Best of all, the arts can improve the overall academic performance of a child struggling with a learning disability. Working within the arts helps children gain confidence that is key to the learning process. For a child struggling with academics, it is a stress reliever and something he/she can master.
Viky teaches a glass and clay project that is fun and unique: using broken crockery/glass to make beautiful wall decorations or light cover. It’s a creative way to turn trash into treasure! In addition to various art endeavors, Viky has a couple of adult Spanish as a second language classes in La Penita on Mondays and Fridays. If interested, telephone 322 109 1227 or email:
At the Robelo learning room the children are aware, creative and thoughtful. One immediate lesson is “Buy less, choose well: when you think about the whole picture- environment- man-animals together, recycling is the right thing to do.” Another is that everyone has value.
It’s individuals such as Viky that make this community so enjoyable to live in.