There are numerous misconceptions about the importance of having car insurance in Mexico. Some believe that driving without insurance will only result in a minor fine, but this is far from the truth. Here are the most important reasons to ensure you are properly covered in Mexico:
1. It is the Law!
Contrary to popular belief, car insurance is mandatory in Mexico. Similar to the U.S. and Canada, where each state and province has minimum insurance requirements and penalties for non-compliance, Mexico has instituted strict laws. As of January 1, 2019, all vehicles traveling on federal highways in Mexico must have a minimum of third-party liability insurance coverage.
In the U.S. and Canada, accidents typically involve exchanging insurance information and moving on.
However, in Mexico, an accident leads to appearing before a local judge who determines fault. If found at fault, the responsible party must prove their ability to pay for damages, which could mean jail time if they lack proper coverage. Having liability coverage and legal assistance can prevent these severe consequences by demonstrating financial responsibility and providing legal representation.
2. Your U.S. or Canadian Policy Does Not Cover You in Mexico
Many assume their U.S. or Canadian auto insurance policy will cover them in Mexico, but this is not the case. By Mexican law, liability insurance must be provided by a registered Mexican insurance company. U.S. and Canadian insurance companies are not recognized by Mexican authorities, meaning names like State Farm, Allstate, Geico, Progressive, or Canadian insurers will not be acknowledged.
U.S. and Canadian auto policies generally specify coverage only within their respective countries, their territories, and certain other regions like Puerto Rico. Some policies include limited endorsements for Mexico, but these do not meet Mexican insurance requirements and usually restrict coverage to a small area near the border.
Even if a U.S. or Canadian carrier claims to provide coverage in Mexico, they lack the infrastructure to handle claims, navigate the legal system, and provide necessary services like getting you out of jail or repairing your car. U.S. and Canadian insurers are simply not equipped to offer the comprehensive coverage needed in Mexico.
Driving in Mexico without proper insurance is not just risky—it’s illegal and can lead to significant legal and financial consequences. To avoid fines, jail time, and other hassles, it is essential to purchase liability insurance from a licensed Mexican insurance company. Experienced travelers know that having the right insurance is like having a “get out of jail free card,” ensuring peace of mind while exploring Mexico.
Why take a chance when you know that the insurance recommended by Bill and Dot Bell will not let you down. Click here to get four different quotes from the best Insurers of foreign plated cars in Mexico. Mexican Auto insurance You Can Trust