Christmas Navidad – Religious Observance


December 25th – Christmas Day in Mexico (Navidad) is a time of celebration, reflection, and family gatherings. Although December 24th (Nochebuena) is often the focal point of Christmas festivities, December 25th is a more relaxed day, filled with warmth, rest, and continued enjoyment of the season’s traditions.

Family Time and Festive Meals

Christmas Day in Mexico is usually spent at home with family, enjoying leftovers from the Nochebuena feast. Meals often include dishes such as bacalao a la vizcaína (salted cod with tomato and peppers), romeritos (a wild herb cooked in mole with shrimp), tamales, and ponche navideño, a hot fruit punch made with sugar cane, guava, and cinnamon.

Religious Observance

Many families begin Christmas Day with a visit to church, especially those who didn’t attend Midnight Mass (Misa de Gallo) the night before. Churches are often beautifully decorated with nativity scenes (nacimientos), candles, and poinsettias (known as flores de Nochebuena).


While some families exchange gifts on December 25th, in many parts of Mexico, children receive gifts on January 6th, during Día de Reyes (Three Kings’ Day). However, the influence of international customs has made gift-giving on Christmas Day more common, especially in urban areas.

Community and Cultural Activities

Depending on the region, local festivals, music, and fireworks may continue on Christmas Day. In some towns, you might hear traditional music or see processions and street performances. Though it’s generally quieter than Christmas Eve, the spirit of the holiday continues with a sense of joy and community.

Decorations and Nativity Scenes

Homes, plazas, and churches remain beautifully decorated, often with lights, Christmas trees, piñatas, and intricate nativity scenes that sometimes stretch across entire rooms or public spaces. In many homes, the baby Jesus is not placed in the nativity scene until Christmas Day.

Christmas Day in Mexico reflects the country’s deep-rooted traditions and vibrant culture. It’s a time for rest, gratitude, and being close to loved ones, continuing the warmth and joy of the holiday season.