Hats off to Rob and Heather Erickson 

From Jaltemba Bay Animal Resources:

Congratulations to our volunteers of the month for June. Rob and Heather Erickson,who are so pawsitively dedicated to spaying and neutering that even the neighborhood cats give them a high five… or a high paw!!

They have been working for JBAR for over 18 years starting with the very first clinic in Los Ayala.

Rob’s organizational skills are instrumental in set up for the clinic.

During the clinic, Rob is the one that helps prep all of the animals on the tables for surgery, as well as getting them to the recovery tables after they are operated on.

Working from the minute the first animal goes on the table to the very last animal that comes off the table at the end of the day. I don’t think I have ever seen him take a break.

Heather’s seamless coordination with Concha(head tech)and the rest of the vet team ensures every animal receives the best care possible. She does the shaving, the breathing tubes, the catheters all with a cheerful attitude as well, never taking breaks.

Their hard work does not stop when the clinic ends.

Helping with the tear down and clean up. The following day they come back to pick up whatever is left over to load into storage and help finish with organizing and loading the bins.

As well as working their butts off at the clinic they also host the pets for life veterinarians and team in their home providing beds and meals.

JBAR is truly fortunate to have dedicated volunteers like Rob and Heather as part of our team