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What you need to know about TIPs and Driving into Mexico


What you need to know about TIPs and Driving into Mexico

If you plan to drive your vehicle beyond the Mexico Free Zone, it is essential to obtain a Mexico Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit (TIP). Here’s how to manage this:

Where to Get a TIP: The TIP is exclusively issued by Banjercito, the official Mexican issuing agency. You can acquire the permit either through their website or directly at the Mexico border. If opting for an online purchase, remember to apply for the permit between 10 to 60 days before your trip to Mexico.

Eligibility and Validity: The TIP is applicable for vehicles weighing less than 3.5 metric tons (7,716 lbs. GVRW) and is valid for up to 180 days.

Special Permits for Motorhomes: If your vehicle is a motorhome, you can obtain a specific RV TIP, which is valid for 10 years.

Regional Exceptions:Sonora: In Sonora, a TIP is only necessary if you travel outside the Sonora Free Zone, defined as the area west of Highway 15 and north of KM 98. For travel exclusively within Sonora, a Sonora ONLY Vehicle Permit is available at a reduced cost.

No Permit Zones: No TIP is required for travel anywhere in Baja California Peninsula, Quintana Roo, the northwest portion of Sonora (west of Highway 15D and north of Guaymas), or within 25 kilometres of the borders.

Additional Guidelines: It is important to note that TIPs cannot be obtained at checkpoints within Mexico, except at the ferry terminal in La Paz, Baja Sur. To obtain a TIP here, you must have a valid FMM (Forma Migratoria Múltiple).

These steps and guidelines ensure you have the necessary permits for your vehicle while travelling in Mexico.

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