Atlacomulco, State of Mexico

Atlacomulco State of Mexico has a reputation for housing a secretive political organization that pulls all the strings behind the scene. The Atlacomulco group is notorious for denying its own existence.
For us it is the city on the crossroads. To the south is Toluca to the North Queretero. West is Guadalajara and Morelia, and to the East the Arco Norte takes you around Mexico city and onward to Puebla and points south.
by Dorothy Bell

Name: The name means “where there are wells.” from the Nahuatl language. The predominant native group calls the area Embaró, which is Mazahua for “colored rock”

Location: : Altacumulco I located in central Mexico just to the North East of Mexico City and only 63 kms from Toluca.

Weather: Like many central highland cities in Mexico, Altacumulco

Enjoys a temperate moist climate with most rain falling between June and September.

January Average Highs 21C (69.8F) Lows 7 C (44.6F)

July Average Highs 23C (73.4) Lows 12C (53.6F)

Population: 78,000 for the city and municipality

Elevation: 2,570 m (8,430 ft)

Founded: 1530s

Medical: Hospital, clinic

Money: Banks ATM



Getting there:

Drive from.Guadalajara on Highway 15 or 15D directly East to Altacumulco. Drive Highway Arco Norte to the North end.