Top Quality Mexican Coffee Grown Locally in Nayarit   

by Tara A. Spears

So many people are unaware that Mexican produced coffee is top quality simply because they aren’t familiar with the packaging. Some of the best coffee in the world is grown right here in Nayarit! Not only have Mexican coffee beans been a European favorite for a century but the rest of the world is catching on. Once you become familiar with the local brands (and have a translation of coffee related terms) you’ll be hooked on the local specialty coffee beans. In fact, until the 1990s Mexico was the third largest coffee producer worldwide and the state of Nayarit is currently rated number one for organic coffees. The warm, humid climate and volcanic mountain soil plus the altitude of Nayarit provides perfect conditions for growing coffee.

Grupo Terruño Nayarita is a business organizes the small farms of sustainable coffee production based in Nayarit, Mexico.  The group consists of nearly 400 coffee producers that are grouped int

o eight producing societies that are members. The original member farmers have been cooperating for over 20 years. Grupo Terruno Nayarita has exported 147 containers of specialty coffee since 2006 with internet traceable barcodes and serial numbers on every bag. In addition to growing a superior quality of Mexican coffee, 30% of the Nayarit group members are women! This is a wonderful means for the small family operated coffee growers to get help marketing and distributing their coffee crop to get a better price.

Coffee is professionally graded in two ways:  The quality rating evaluates the natural appearance of the coffee bean before being roasted. This rating considers the color, imperfections, humidity, grain size, origin, type of coffee and smell.  The second evaluation considers the prepared beverage:  the flavor of the coffee once roasted is ranked according to the aroma, taste, the remaining flavor, the amount of acidity, the body of the brew and the balance of taste.

There follows a collection of specialty, organic grown coffee that is available at Jaltemba Bay mini-super markets and grocery stores. Pop In Market near the church on main street Guayabitos, has the largest selection of coffees for take home use  

Café Artesian. In business 30 years producing quality high altitude coffee.
Café Citomayo. Hand ground Arábica bean coffee grown at high altitude.
Café Luna de Nayarit. Operating for 23 years. Coffee bean with honey-floral notes due to volcanic soil.










Café Moloto El Chilai originates near Compostela. Organically grown and processed.
Café Occidente is the La Penita coffee company. Family owned and operated.
Café Serranias. Compostela family third generation growing coffee.










Other outstanding Mexican coffees  that are commercially grown out of the area but are available in local stores:

Café Los Portales. The best arábicos beans from Cordoba, Veracruz.
Café Carat. Oldest coffee company in Mexico. Gourmet blends of various roast and flavors.
Marino. Produced in neighboring state of Sinoa and processed in Matzalan.









Historically, it has been proven that these smaller-scale coffee producers were often much more successful than the larger plantation owners. Many of the  smaller farms are run by indigenous groups. Their agricultural philosophy for centuries actually lines up very well with organic farming, and sometimes there are basically no differences in the farming techniques. This is what made Mexico the Certified Organic powerhouse it is today—a large portion of the farms were already practicing organic farming.

 In addition to the rich flavor of the locally grown coffee is the charming area coffee houses that make picking up a bag of beans fun. La Penita is home to two very popular coffee shops that make their own ground coffee. Café Occidente is just past the bus station at the beginning of the main avenida.  The other coffee shop is Chaste in the south end of La Penita. Treat yourself to friendship and great cup of specialty brew.  Freshly roasted and ground bags of coffee are a perfect gift and a wonderful take back in a suitcase treat for yourself.



Whether you see a Mexican coffee as a blend ingredient or as a single origin offering, you can be certain that it’s going to be pretty delicious. Sip a bit of tradition and savor the exotic taste of one of the fine Nayarit coffee brands. Drinking a cup of local coffee is a great way to enjoy the memory of the good times in Riviera Nayarit.